Wednesday, September 3, 2008

S574 Watching

Well folks, here I go on another adventure to complete an assignment for a class (S574 Information Inquiry for School Teachers). This is a personal inquiry project. Today's beginning step is called "watching" according to our teacher, Annette Lamb. It's basically brainstorming a list of possible topics you might like to inquire about and coming to a decision.

One topic I thought about investigating was hummingbirds. As an animal lover, I have been putting out a feeder for the past couple of years. I've only seen a hummingbird maybe twice. The feeder is still full at the end of the summer. What is there I need to know about hummingbirds to get the enjoyment of watching them and possibly befriending them?

The other topic is family history. As a Mormon, I am admonished to do a lot of family history. I've started and almost immediately stopped in my endeavors so many times over the years that I don't even try to keep count anymore. I mean I've started to write my own personal history, write my family's history, attend classes at church to start my genealogy, make plans for scrapbooking family photos, visit the public library in Fort Wayne (that was years ago) to look for genealogical information on my name it! But it's all been a big fallen-by-the-wayside flop every single time! Mostly it's a lack-of-time issue.

Well, what better time than now to make another attempt? I have to do a project for class anyway. And I know I have to stick to it for at least the end of the project. Additionally, I'm not ruling out expanding my studies in library science into the genealogy area in the future. Also, I want to get those old family photos scrapbooked and written about while my aging mother (getting ready to turn 80 in October) is still alive and well. Given those reasons, I guess family history wins out over my sweet little hummingbirds, no matter how cute they are.

That dicided, I'm still very intimidated by the rest! I'm not all that techy, so I'm really stressing out about the product thing. I have no idea right now where to store my product online! I did a web page for S401, but it was all HTML coding the hard way. I know I don't want to do that again (even though it's already created and posted at the university--The Elementary Litaracy Librarian)!!! That was a nightmare! If I do another web page, I'll try to figure out how to use one of Annette's suggestions. Or maybe one of yours! Please offer some if you can!



Joe Pounds said...

You should consider posting your project on

It is an easy space to work with and a lot of people use it for making family connections. Past and present.

You can get a free 30 day trial. That gets you to our due date.

Joe Pounds

Phil Dallmayr said...

Beware some websites that claim they can trace your family tree back accurately. I was burned by one site, I think it was that did not even get my great granparents correct! Good luck on your inquiry.
Phil Dallmayr